Verily Magazine Feature


I did a fun Q&A for Verily Magazine recently about my favorite spot in our home — I bet you can’t guess where!

I shared the story of my airy art studio for their “At Home With Her” column, and a bit about my painting process, too! You can read it here.


About Verily Magazine

“In an age of filters, Photoshop, social media, and internet overwhelm, relatable women’s media can be difficult to find. True to our name, Verily sifts through the noise of the world to elevate what is honest, real, and beautiful for the modern woman—facilitating her connection with the things that matter the most to her through our production of original media, curation of quality content across the web, and in-person events. We're fostering a movement that doesn't embrace an "ideal" body type, image, or status—and that doesn't tell a woman how she’s supposed to be, but instead empowers her to be who she is.

Truly, the world needs more of who women are.”