Italian Summer Part II


Italian Summer Part II drops Thursday, Aug. 15! Email subscribers get first dibs at 10 a.m. EST.

After completing Italian Summer Part I and the Capri Beach Club Painting Preorders, I knew I had a few more Amalfi Coast scenes that I wanted to explore further this summer!

I’ve been feeling particularly inspired by the coastlines with their tiny boats and umbrellas. Plus, I wanted to capture more of that beautiful, blue water!

This collection will be small, but mighty, with about six paintings total, all acrylic on cradled birchwood panels. Sizes include: 11x14, 12x24 and 20x16 in.

Each painting is based on a scene I photographed myself while Brantley and I were vacationing in Italy last May. You can learn more about our Amalfi Coast trip and get our itinerary here!


Painting the Amalfi Coast


Meandering Marsh Commission