Love Boats


Love Boats drop Thursday, Feb. 13, at 10 a.m. EST. I’ll be sending email subscribers a code to shop early at 9:30 a.m., so be sure to join the list!

While I was at my artist residency at Bald Head Island, I started painting tiny boats inspired by the Conservatory Water in Central Park.

We visited New York City in the fall, and this scene of the model sailboats has been swimming in my head ever since. The light and the reflections of the little sails stuck with me, so it felt natural to start painting them!

Tiny boats have been popping up in my work for years — from sketches to paintings, and I love seeing what different forms they take!

This little collection of Love Boats range in size from 6x6 to 16x20 in. and are all acrylic on cradled birchwood panels. Collect yours on Feb. 13!


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No Boundaries International Artist Residency